I am a storyteller. I have been taking pictures for 50 years. My studio is the world. Out there. I photograph people. Who interest me, fascinate me. Who I admire. Whom I can give a platform. The oppressed, the exploited. But there is also room for the rich and the beautiful. Those who are in power and enjoy it. People are unpredictable, photographing them is always an adventure. And often something familiar develops, sometimes only for a short moment, sometimes it lasts and friendships develop. I'm interested in what motivates people. What is the essence? What makes them tick? Can the truth be captured on film at 1/125 of a second? What is appearance? What is real? What will last?

„C’est pas une image juste.
c’est just une image.“

I am currently working in Polynesia on my project “Gauguin revisited by Venzago”. You can see a few impressions here.
let’s be social
This website and all photographs are © Copyright 1971-2023 by Alberto Venzago. All Rights Reserved. The use of any of the photographs on this website without the written permission of the photographer is strictly prohibited and violations will be pursued to the furthest extent allowed under the law.